Getting Ready to Worship
Introduction to the Unit
Gathering Song
Getting Ready for Bible Storytelling
Saying Sorry to God
Saying Sorry Action
God Gives us a New Start
Prayers for Other People
Prayer Action
Thank You God
Creative Response
Sharing God's Peace
Taking God's Love
Into the World
Introduction to the Unit
➜ Book 2, pp.215.
Introducing the Unit: Option 1
Use ‘thy’/‘your’ with the children according to the version they will hear in your church/at school.
Jesus told us to pray for God’s Kingdom!
After 3, let’s say, ‘thy/your Kingdom come’ together
1, 2, 3 . . . thy/your Kingdom come!
And again . . .
1, 2, 3 . . . thy/your Kingdom come!
Jesus taught us that prayer!
Christians pray ‘thy/your Kingdom come!’ all the time!
If appropriate: in the ‘Our Father’/Lord’s Prayer.
But what’s God’s Kingdom like? Hands out in question
What are we praying for?
God’s Kingdom, God’s special place,
isn’t just up in heaven. Point up
It isn’t just in church. Shake head
Week 1:
Let me tell you a secret . . .
Week 2+, if appropriate:
Can anyone remember our secret?
Give one of the children the opportunity to convey ‘the secret’ in his or her own words.
Whisper God’s Kingdom is coming in the WORLD!
Hands down on the floor
All around us! Point around the room
God’s Kingdom is anywhere where we live
by God’s special rules of LOVE. Cross arms on chest
Let’s cross our arms on our chest to show love.
Lead the children in crossing arms on chest.
Repeat, encouraging the children to join in after the dots.
God’s Kingdom is anywhere where we live
by God’s special rules of . . . cross arms on chest LOVE.
Introducing the Unit: Option 2
Words: The Lord’s Prayer (use the version that’s used in your church or local school)
Tune (optional for groups who don’t know the ‘Our Father’): ‘Frère Jacques’
Jesus told us to pray for God’s Kingdom:
to say, ‘thy/your Kingdom come!’
Let’s pray the ‘Our Father’/Lord’s Prayer together
When we get to ‘thy/your Kingdom come’, let’s stop!
Let’s see if we can do that:
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
hallowed be your name;
thy Kingdom come . . .
your Kingdom come . . .
Or (for very young children):
Let’s sing the prayer Jesus taught us:
‘my turn’ point to self, ‘your turn’ leader’s hands out to group
To the tune of ‘Frère Jacques’:
Traditional version
Our Father
Our Father
Who art in heav’n
Who art in heav’n
Hallowed be thy na-me,
Hallowed be thy na-me,
Thy Kingdom come!
Thy Kingdom come!
Modern version
Our Father
Our Father
I-in heav’n
I-in heav’n
Hallowed be your na-me,
Hallowed be your na-me,
Your Kingdom come!
Your Kingdom come!
All groups:
Jesus taught us that prayer.
We pray ‘thy/your Kingdom come!’ all the time!
But what’s God’s Kingdom like? Hands out in question
What are we praying for?
God’s Kingdom, God’s special place,
isn’t just up in heaven Point up
It isn’t just in church. Shake head
Week 1:
Let me tell you a secret . . .
Week 2+, if appropriate:
Can anyone remember our secret?
Give one of the children the opportunity to convey ‘the secret’ in her or his own words.
Whisper God’s Kingdom is coming in the WORLD!
Hands down on the floor
All around us! Point around the room
God’s Kingdom is anywhere where we live
by God’s special rules of LOVE. Cross arms on chest
Let’s cross our arms on our chest to show love.
Lead the children in crossing arms on chest.
Repeat, encouraging the children to join in after the dots.
God’s Kingdom is anywhere where we live
by God’s special rules of . . . Cross arms on chest LOVE.