Getting Ready to Worship
Introduction to the Unit
Gathering Song
Getting Ready for Bible Storytelling
Saying Sorry to God
Saying Sorry Action
God Gives us a New Start
Prayers for Other People
Prayer Action
Thank You God
Creative Response
Sharing God's Peace
Taking God's Love
Into the World
Jesus Light of the World
➜ Book 1, pp129-166.
The Jesus, Light of the World! unit continues the Christmas celebrations of Jesus’ birth and is designed for the Epiphany season (the weeks immediately after Christmas). Together with the John the Baptist unit that follows, this unit is designed to lead the children, week by week, from the joy of Christmas through to the wilderness, the quiet giving up of things in Lent and the journey to the cross.
Rather than leaving Christmas behind immediately, the children are invited to join the Magi (Wise Men/Three Kings) in reflecting on the gifts they’d like to bring to Baby Jesus now that all the excitement of the present-giving/receiving in homes is generally over. The unit culminates with the joyful presentation of Jesus at the Temple, where Simeon (like Zechariah before him) recognizes Jesus as the Light: this time the Light not just dawning in Israel (Luke 1.78) but shining through the whole world (Luke 2.32)!
‘Extra’ sessions are included for this unit, because the number of weeks between Christmas and the beginning of Lent changes yearly. We suggest that you look at how many weeks your groups will be meeting between Christmas and the beginning of Lent this year and construct your own timetable so that Jesus Gives Up Everything for Us (the final week of the John the Baptist unit) is held on the Sunday before Lent.
Build your own Diddy Disciples session
Click on the Building Blocks on the left to explore the worship material and build your own Diddy Disciples session.
See Book 1, p.6 for a short introduction to how to build a session.
See Book 1, p.217 for a step-by-step guide to each Building Block.
Bible Storytelling
See Diddy Disciples Book 2 for the four stories from this unit.
Week 1: The Magi’s Journey (Matthew 2.1-2). p.26
Week 2: The Magi’s Gifts (Matthew 2.1–2, 9-11), p.30
Extra: Baby Jesus, the Refugee (Matthew 2.13-18), p.34
Week 3: Jesus, Light of the World! (Luke 2.22–33), p.38
The presentation of Jesus/Candlemas
Creative Response Starter Ideas
See Diddy Disciples Book 2 from p.44 for a wide range of Creative Response Starter Ideas.