Getting Ready to Worship
Introduction to the Unit
Gathering Song
Getting Ready for Bible Storytelling
Saying Sorry to God
Saying Sorry Action
God Gives us a New Start
Prayers for Other People
Prayer Action
Thank You God
Creative Response
Sharing God's Peace
Taking God's Love
Into the World
Gathering Song
➜ Guide: Book 1, p.7
Gathering song: Option 1
âžœSong: ‘Wash me in the river’ © Sharon Moughtin-Mumby
âžœTune: ‘Alive, alive-o’ (the chorus to the traditional Irish song 'Molly Malone) .
This Gathering Song option is shorter so that all groups – even those with time limitations – can take part in the time for saying sorry at the end of the storytelling, if they wish. This song will be sung again by the group during this time of saying sorry.
People heard John! And they came!
And do you know what John did?
If appropriate in Weeks 2+, accept responses.
He washed the people in the river!
The people didn’t feel ready to meet with God! Shake head
So they were sad.
Can you show me sad?
Lead the children in looking sad.
They asked John to wash them in the river.
Diddy Disciples ‘I’m Sorry’ sign (see p. 355)
They wanted God to give them a new start.
In Week 1, you may find the following introduction helpful:
We’re going to learn a new song!
It’s the people’s song when they met John the Baptist.
Let’s say the words ‘my turn’, point to self, ‘your turn’ leader’s hands out to group.
Wash me in the river, ‘I’m Sorry’ sign
wash me in the river. ‘I’m Sorry’ sign
Wash me in the river, ‘I’m Sorry’ sign
wash me in the river, ‘I’m Sorry’ sign
O wash me, O wash me, ‘I’m Sorry’ sign twice
I need a new start! ‘New Start’ sign (see Book 1, p. 355)
O wash me, O wash me, ‘I’m Sorry’ sign twice
I need a new start! ‘New Start’ sign
Now let’s try and add the tune.
Repeat the ‘my turn, your turn’ introduction above, this time with the tune. Then move straight into the following material.
All groups:
Let’s sing the people’s song together.
Lead the children in singing:
Wash me in the river, ‘I’m Sorry’ sign
wash me in the river, ‘I’m Sorry’ sign
O wash me, O wash me, ‘I’m Sorry’ sign twice
I need a new start! ‘New Start’ sign
Repeat as appropriate.
We’re ready to tell our story.
Gathering Song: Option 2
Song: ‘Get ready for our God!’ Words: © Sharon Moughtin-Mumby
Music: ‘She’ll be coming round the mountain’ (traditional).
If you’re using imaginative aids, ask two or three children to give them out at this point. Then invite the children to warm up their imaginations by exploring different shapes with their aids. See p. 220 of Book 1 for examples of actions for scarves or ribbons, but don’t limit the children’s imagination to these.
Let’s sing our song about getting ready for God.
We need some actions!
We already have an action for ‘new start’.
Lead the children in the ‘New Start’ sign (see p. 355)
But we need an action for ‘get ready’!
Who can show us a ‘get ready’ action?
Choose one of the actions and ask the group to copy it.
We’re ready to sing!
Lead the group in singing:
Get ready, get ready for our God! Get ready action
Get ready, get ready for our God! Get ready action
It’s time for a new start, time for a new start! ‘New Start’ sign
Get ready, get ready for our God! Get ready action
Repeat. If you like, you could choose a different action for ‘get ready’ each time.
We’re ready to tell our story about
Week 1: John the Baptist
Weeks 2+: John the Baptist and Jesus