Getting Ready to Worship
Introduction to the Unit
Gathering Song
Getting Ready for Bible Storytelling
Saying Sorry to God
Saying Sorry Action
God Gives us a New Start
Prayers for Other People
Prayer Action
Thank You God
Creative Response
Sharing God's Peace
Taking God's Love
Into the World

➜ Guide: Book 1, p.217
Welcome your group.
Let’s start by going round the circle
and saying our name out loud.
My name’s ______________.
Go round the circle so that every adult and child has the chance to say their name (and introduce any dolls, teddies, or toys). If a child doesn’t want to say their name or isn’t able to, you (or a parent or carer) could say it for them and wave.
It’s time to sing our Welcome Song!
Welcome song: Option 1
âžœ Song: ‘The Diddy Disciples welcome song’ © Sharon Moughtin-Mumby
âžœ Tune: ‘Glory, glory, Alleluia!’ (traditional).
Go around the circle the same way as above. See if you can remember each other’s name and insert them into the song.
Welcome Name 1 to St Peter’s*
Welcome Name 2 to St Peter’s*
Welcome Name 3 to St Peter’s*
You are welcome in the name of the Lord!
* Insert the name of your church or children’s group, or sing ‘our worship’.
Welcome song: Option 2
âžœ Song: ‘You are welcome in the name of the lord’ (Traditional)
➜ Tune: Traditional.
Let’s wave with one hand. Lead waving.
Then with our other hand. Lead waving.
Then let’s choose someone and show God’s ‘glory’!
Move arms up and down in front of you with fingers wiggling, palms facing out, towards one person.
And someone else!
Then let’s wave with both hands all around the circle. Lead waving.
We’re ready to sing!
You are welcome in the name of the Lord!
Wave with right hand to one person.
You are welcome in the name of the Lord!
Wave with left hand to another person
I can see all over you, the glory of the Lord!
Move arms up and down in front of you with fingers wiggling, palms facing out, towards one person and then another.
You are welcome in the name of the Lord!
Wave with both hands all around the circle.