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Getting Ready to Worship
Introduction to the Unit
Gathering Song
Getting Ready for Bible Storytelling
Saying Sorry to God
Saying Sorry Action
God Gives us a New Start
Prayers for Other People
Prayer Action
Thank You God
Creative Response
Sharing God's Peace
Taking God's Love
Into the World
Interactive Storytelling
➜ Guide p.221.
See Diddy Disciples Book 2 for the stories from the ​Jesus is alive! Alleluia!
Week 1: Jesus Is Risen! Alleluia! (John 19.40-20a), p.170 Week 2: On Easter Day in the Morning (John 20.1-10), p.174.
Week 3: The Walk to Emmaus (Luke 24.13-35), p.177.
Week 4: The Good Shepherd (John 10.11-15), p.181.
Week 5: The Catch of Fishes (John 21.1-14), p.184.
Week 6: Peter’s Story (John 18.15–27, 21.15-19), p.188.
Week 7: Jesus Goes Up! (Luke 24.42–53, Acts 1.8-14), p.191.
Week 8: Come, Holy Spirit! (Acts 2.1-4), p.194.
Extra: Trinity Sunday, p.199.
Trinity Sunday
1, 2, 3 the Trinity
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