Getting Ready to Worship
Introduction to the Unit
Gathering Song
Getting Ready for Bible Storytelling
Saying Sorry to God
Saying Sorry Action
God Gives us a New Start
Prayers for Other People
Prayer Action
Thank You God
Creative Response
Sharing God's Peace
Taking God's Love
Into the World

Taking God's Love Into the World
➜ Guide, p.232
Taking God's Love into the World
âžœSong: ‘This little light of mine’ (traditional)
Our time together is coming to an end.
Invite the children to sit in a circle for a moment of quiet.
God has lit a little light of love inside all of us.
Trace a circle on your heart.
Let’s make our finger into a candle.
Bring your finger from your heart and hold it out.
Let’s be God and light our little light of love together, after three.
Lead the children in lighting their finger candle by striking an imaginary match in the air on a count of three and pretending to light your finger.
1, 2, 3 . . . Tssss!
Let’s imagine God’s love shining and dancing like light in us.
Wave your finger in front of you as you sing:
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!
Blow on your finger as if blowing out a candle on ‘puff’. Then hold it up high.
Won’t let no one puff it out! I’m gonna let it shine!
Won’t let no one puff it out! I’m gonna let it shine!
Won’t let no one puff it out! I’m gonna let it shine!
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!
Hold your finger behind a cupped hand, then take your cupped hand away to reveal the ‘candle’ and hold it high!
Hide it under a bushel? No! I’m gonna let it shine!
Hide it under a bushel? No! I’m gonna let it shine!
Hide it under a bushel? No! I’m gonna let it shine!
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!
Lead the children in placing your finger back on your heart.
Now let’s put our little light of love
back in our hearts, where it belongs.
Let’s remember to let our little light shine
in all our playing and working today . . .
If you’re building a Service of the Word and this is your final Building Block, you may like to close with a familiar blessing, the Peace, and/or one of the following.
Either: Praise the Lord! Both hands to self
Alleluia! Both arms upwards in ‘V’ shape
Or: Let us bless the Lord. Both hands to self
Thanks be to God. Both arms upwards in ‘V’ shape
Or: And all the people said . . . Both hands to self
Amen! Both arms upwards in ‘V’ shape
This little light