Getting Ready to Worship
Introduction to the Unit
Gathering Song
Getting Ready for Bible Storytelling
Saying Sorry to God
Saying Sorry Action
God Gives us a New Start
Prayers for Other People
Prayer Action
Thank You God
Creative Response
Sharing God's Peace
Taking God's Love
Into the World

Introduction to the Unit
➜ Book 1, pp129-166.
Introducing the Unit: Option 1
Optional focus: a cross
Week 1: This week we’re starting on a journey with Jesus:
All other weeks: We’re on a journey with Jesus:
If you’re using a cross, show the children the cross.
the journey to the cross.
The way of the cross is the way of love.
Let’s cross our arms on our chest to show love.
Lead the children in crossing arms on chest.
Look down at your own arms.
Look! Our sign for love is a cross.
The way of love is the way of the cross.
For the first couple of weeks, you may like to trace your finger on the crossed arms of a child sitting next to you to show the cross shape she or he is making.
In our stories,
we’re following Jesus on the way of love to the cross.
Introducing the Unit: Option 2
Focus: the liturgical colour purple
Optional focus: a cross
If your church uses visible liturgical colours:
Can anyone tell me what colour season we’re in now?
If appropriate: You may have seen it in church.
Week 1:
Today is the first Sunday of an important time
for the Church.
It’s the start of the season of Lent!
The special colour of Lent is purple.
It’s the colour that reminds us to get ready!
We’re getting ready to follow Jesus on a journey:
If you’re using a cross, show the children the cross.
the journey to the cross.
The way of the cross is the way of love.
Let’s cross our arms on our chest to show love.
Lead the children in crossing arms on chest.
Look down at your own arms.
Look! Our sign for love is a cross.
The way of love is the way of the cross.
For the first couple of weeks, you may like to trace your finger on the crossed arms of a child sitting next to you to show the cross shape he or she is making.
In Lent we follow Jesus to the cross.
If you’re using a cross, or there’s one in the building, show the group the cross.
Introducing the Unit: Option 3
Focus: the use of sackcloth during Lent
Optional focus: a cross
If your church uses visible sackcloth as a sign of repentance for Lent, you may also like to choose Saying Sorry to God for your Prayer Building Block (p. 103) to support children as they make the connections between what they see in the church building and their own acts of worship.
Week 1:
Today is the first Sunday of an important time
for the Church.
It’s the start of the season of Lent!
In Lent our church wears sackcloth.
It’s the colour that reminds us to say sorry.
In Lent we do lots of saying sorry to get ready.
We’re getting ready to follow Jesus on a journey:
If you’re using a cross, show the children the cross.
the journey to the cross.
The way of the cross is the way of love.
Let’s cross our arms on our chest to show love.
Lead the children in crossing arms on chest.
Look down at your own arms.
Look! Our sign for love is a cross.
The way of love is the way of the cross.
For the first couple of weeks, you may like to trace your finger on the crossed arms of a child sitting next to you to show the cross shape she or he is making.
In Lent we follow Jesus to the cross.
If you’re using a cross, or there’s one in the building, show the group the cross.