Getting Ready to Worship
Introduction to the Unit
Gathering Song
Getting Ready for Bible Storytelling
Saying Sorry to God
Saying Sorry Action
God Gives us a New Start
Prayers for Other People
Prayer Action
Thank You God
Creative Response
Sharing God's Peace
Taking God's Love
Into the World
Introducing the unit: Option 1
Week 1
Starting this week, we’re going to tell
some of the amazing stories that Jesus told.
Lots of these stories are about how much Jesus loves us.
Week 2 onwards
We’re telling some of the amazing stories that Jesus told.
Lots of these stories are about how much Jesus loves us.
Introducing the unit: Option 2
âžœFocus: the liturgical colour, green
Who can tell us what colour season we’re in now?
If appropriate: You may have seen it in church.
Invite a child to respond with the colour.
At the moment, we’re in Green Time!
If appropriate:
Let’s all look out for green when we go back into church.
Let’s remember to look and see what colour it is
next time we’re in church.
In Green Time, the Church grows like a tree or flower.
We’re the Church, so we’re going to be growing, too!
In Green Time, everything grows, including us!
Let’s show how a tree grows?
Let’s curl up into a ball like a seed.
Lead the children in curling up like a ball.
First, we need to put our roots down.
Let’s show our roots with our fingers.
Lead the children in wriggling fingers.
We need to let our roots grow down deep.
Lead the children in wriggling fingers down.
Then let a little shoot show.
Poke your hands up over your head like a little shoot.
Then start to grow up tall.
Gradually stand up, swaying like a growing stalk.
Taller and taller onto our tiptoes…
Reach up with pointy hands and on tiptoes.
Let’s turn our faces up towards the sun!
Then let our leaves or branches spread out wide.
Arms stretch slowly outwards.
Look at those beautiful trees and flowers!
In Green Time, the whole world grows.
I wonder how you’ll grow this Green Time?
Can anyone remember what our seed did first to grow?
Invite responses from the children.
If they need a clue, wiggle your fingers.
First we put our roots down!
Let’s wiggle our finger roots.
Lead the children in wriggling.
We’re going put our roots down today
by telling a story about Jesus’s wonderful love!
Let’s get ready for our story by singing about Jesus’s love.